
StandardUtils 1.2.4 changelog

- Made StringIntegerValidator serializable
- Minor change to printFields method in ReflectionUtils
- Added printFields method to ReflectionUtils
- Added automatic handling of null values in QueryParameterFactory
- Added new method to TimeUtils
- Added TooLongContentValidationError
- Added new Stringyfier implementation used for DateTime formatting
- Minor optimization in PreparedStatementQuery
- Added error handling for silent errors in TemplateCache
- Added overloaded method to JsonArray
- Added getTodaysDatePlusMinusDays method to DateUtils
- Added new method to tag replacer
- Added isNull method to ObjectUtils
- Tweaked toValidElementName in XMLUtils to replace åäöÅÄÖ characters
- Added new methods to CollectionsUtils
- Added overloaded methods to Base64 class
- Added new methods to NumberUtils
- Minor improvements to FloatPopulator
- Added equals method to CollectionUtils
- Added deleteByID method to AnnotatedDAOWrapper
- Minor tweak to MySQLRowLimiter
- Tweaked xpath expressions in XSLVariableReader in order to improve performance
- Added weak reference based template cache
- Added template cache support to URIXSLTransformer
- Added HourStringFormatValidator
- Added new method to CollectionUtils
- Added method to ImageUtils for comparing BufferedImages
- Added missing override annotations
- Minor change in CollectionsUtils so that getGenericSingletonList method actually uses a singelton list
- Minor fix XMLUtils
- Added ArrayStringFormatValidator
- Added new constructor to StringPopulator
- Added support for Collection interface in LowLevelQuery
- Added StringDoubleValidator
- Added getLength method to ArrayUtils
- Added WritableDirectoryStringValidator
- Added overloaded method to ImageUtils
- Added utility methods used for cropping images in ImageUtils
- Added new method to NumberUtils
- Added new constructor to SimpleEntry
- StringUtils: Added trim function for parsing web input.
- Added DateUtils methods for weeks.
- Added ObjectUtils
- Added new method to CollectionUtils